2025 Clovercroft Derby!
2025 Derby Schedule
To be updated closer to the Event.
Day of Derby
Please make sure your child wears his or her Clovercroft field trip shirt, sunscreen, and comfortable sneakers.
All parents are welcome to attend this event.
On the day of the event, parents should park and go immediately to the back car loop. Parents may participate with their child or cheer from the sidelines! Siblings are also welcome to cheer for their sibling from the sidelines but cannot be on the track at any time. We do ask that all parents and siblings remain outside and do not enter the school building.
Safety Procedures
You will be asked to sign in at the registration area. Look for the Clovercroft Wind Sail. ALL ADULT VISITORS will be asked to show an ID and state the child’s name and teacher.
Once checked in, you will be given a green wrist band you MUST wear. Staff and volunteers will be making sure everyone at the Derby has their green wrist bands on.
After Derby
You will receive your child's pledge card marked with the amount of completed laps. Please collect the pledges and return the envelope to school by the date listed on the envelope.
As always, thank you for your continued support of our school.
For questions, please contact Danielle Faulk at fundraising@clovercroftpto.org.